Luke Seidel-Haas (he/him)
Luke is from the South coast. Having been born in God's waiting room (Eastbourne) and growing up in Plymouth (No not the one next to Southampton, that's Portsmouth), he moved to Cardiff where he studied Drama at the University of South Wales and met the rest of the CB4 gang.
After graduating Luke worked numerous soul crushing corporate jobs before packing it all in to go travelling around South East Asia and Australia. Once back in the UK, Luke realised that he wanted to do a job to make the world a better place, and found himself working for Victim Support - a charity providing emotional support and practical help to victims of crime, where he is a team leader.
Outside of work and CB4, Luke loves nerding out by watching a Marvel film, bingeing a box-set or despairing at the state of UK politics. Luke is also a keen runner, and has recently run the Cardiff Half Marathon to raise money for Victim Support. Luke also runs his own theatre reviewing blog, Whiplash Review, where he mainly writes about the South Wales theatre scene.